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Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company realizes that successful performance is not only determined by financial achievements, but also due to the support of all stakeholders in the Companys business environment. In order to build harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships with the environment, society and stakeholders, the Company is committed to consistently implement social and environmental responsibility (CSR) to the community. Through the CSR program, the Company can contribute to the sustainable economic development in order to improve the quality of life and the environment.The spirit to serve, which has become one of the Companys noble values, is believed to be the basis in developing the Companys CSR activities.

• Clean Water Access Improvement Program in Cikarang
In 2023, the Company partnered with Habitat Indonesia in providing clean water connections in Sukamahi-Cikarang Village. This activity provides directs benefits to the community in the form of access to clean water.

Sambungan air bersih

• CSR Collaboration with APPI-Iftar Donation at Pesantren Putri Assyafiiyah
On April 28, 2023, in the context of breaking the fast together at Pesantren Putri Assyafiiyah, the Company also made a cash donation to the Assyafiiyah Orphan Special Boarding School.

• Donation Eid Al-Adha Celebration
To celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Company distributed sacrificial animals in the form of 1 (one) cow and 3 goats to people living around the South Jakarta, Serpong, Makassar, and Malang branch office.
Perayaan Idul Adha

• Monthly donation to Harapan Kita Orphanage in Papua
During 2023, every month, the Company distributed funds to support the education costs of children at the Harapan Orphanage in Papua.
Panti Asuhan Harapan Kita

• Construction of Livable Houses with concept "Climate-Smart Housing"
On December 20, 2022, the Company and Habitat Indonesia, a non-profit institution, for the forth time join forces in building livable houses for low-income families. The donation was realized in the form of simple yet healthy residential houses with new concept "Climate-Smart Housing", located in Kampung Gunung Batu - Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor Regency.
Climate Smart Housing

• Ambulance Procurement Collaboration with Agung Toyota Berbagi-2022
The Company collaborated with showroom Agung Toyota in the procurement of ambulance with theme Agung Toyota Berbagi-2022.
Ambulance Procurement

• Donations for the Victims of Cianjur-Jawa Barat Earthquake disaster.
On December 5, 2022 through Asosiasi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Indonesia (APPI) the Company giving donation for the victims of Cianjur-Jawa Barat earthquake disaster.

• CSR Collaboration with APPI-Iftar Donation at Pesantren Putri Assyafiiyah
On April 28, 2022, in the context of breaking the fast together at Pesantren Putri Assyafiiyah, the Company also made a cash donation to the Assyafiiyah Orphan Special Boarding School.
Donation at Pesantren

• Donation Eid Al-Adha Celebration
To celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Company distributed sacrificial animals in the form of 1 (one) cow and 5 goats to people living around the South Jakarta branch office, Balikpapan, Jambi, Cilegon, Solo and Cibinong.

• Donation to Orphanage
In December 2021, the Company giving donation to Bersinar Orphanage in Ciracas-East Jakarta. The total assistance provided was Rp. 30 million.
Donasi ke Panti Asuhan

• Donations for the Victims of Mount Semeru eruption disaster
In December 2021, through Financial Services Authority the Company giving donation for the victims of Mount Semeru eruption disaster. The total assistance provided was Rp.30 million.

• Charity Program in Surabaya
In September 2021 at Surabaya, the Company held a Charity Program in the form of providing basic needs of rice to people affected by Covid-19. The entire amount of support was Rp 65 million.
Donasi ke Panti Asuhan

• Donation of construction of COVID-19 crematorium in DKI Jakarta
In July 2021, the Company through initiated DKI Jakarta Provincial Government with Chinese Community Associations giving donation to build a crematorium specially for the cremation of Covid-19 bodies. The total assistance provided was Rp. 10 million.

• Donation in Fighting the COVID-19 Virus
To support medical personnel and communities affected by the Covid-19 virus, through its CSR partners, namely Infobank Magazine, in April 2020 the Company distributed cash assistance intended to purchase PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for medical personnel, masks, and basic necessities for the affected communities.
The Company also distributed medical masks at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters in order to combat the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This activity was held in December 2020, and the masks were distributed to the End of Year travelers at Cikampek Toll Road.
Bantuan Dalam Melawan Virus COVID-19

• Donation For The Construction Of Places Of Worship
To support the function of mosques as a place of worship and character building, the Company provided financial assistance for the renovation of the Al-Mujahirin Mosque in Bogor.
Donasi Pembangunan Rumah Ibadah

• Donation to The K.A.M.I Foundation Orphanage
In providing support for orphans and abandoned children, the Company gave donation in the form of cash assistance to the K.A.M.I Foundation (Komunitas Anak Maria Immaculatta), which is an orphanage in Bekasi, West Java. This activity was carried out in December 2020.
Donasi Kepada Panti Asuhan Yayasan K.A.M.I

• Donation Eid Al-Adha Celebration
To celebrate Idul Adha, the Company distributes sacrificial livestock meat to the community living nearby the Company’s head office and branch offices area. This year, the qurbani was distributed through the Head Office in Jakarta and KSKC Yogyakarta, Makassar, Kalimalang, Surabaya and Palangkaraya. Conducted in July 2020, the Company gave 1 (one) limousine cow and 5 goats.
Donasi Perayaan Idul Adha

• Donation for Disabled
With the background of providing support for the disabled,  then during the Christmas celebration of 2019, the Company gave donation in cash for Elsafan Foundation, the Indonesian Blind Children Foundation, located at Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta
Donasi kepada Penyandang Disabilitas

School Renovation
On December 10, 2019 the Company held CSR activities at Karangtengah IV Elementary School, Babakan Madang - Bogor. This activity is carried out in order to improve the quality and the faciliies for educational purposes in remote areas, not far from the capital city. The activities were carried out by The Companys employees, represented by the Branch Office Heads, Regional Office Heads, Division Heads and Departments Heads, up to the Director who started the project by symbolically painting the walls of the school.

Renovasi Sekolah

• Construction of Livable Houses 

On November 8, 2019, the Company and Habitat Indonesia, a non-profit institution, for the third time join forces in building livable houses for low-income families. The donation was realized in the form of simple yet healthy residential houses, located in Kampung Gunung Batu - Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor Regency. The construction of the houses foundation involves the participation of Company’s employees from the Head Office and KSKC Bogor.Pembangunan Rumah Layak Huni

Financial Education in the APPI Multifinance Day 

The Company, represented by the Surabaya Branch Office, also participated in the Multifinance Day 2019 on 9-13 October 2019, which took place at the Tunjungan Plaza Atrium, Surabaya. Organized by the Indonesian Financial Services Association (APPI), this annual event was attended by dozens of Finance Companies from 181 APPI members.The purpose of holding the 2019 Multifinance Day is to help people understand better the services provided by finance companies

Edukasi Keuangan Melalui Multifinance Day APPI

Eid Al-Adha Celebration
For the Eid al-Adha celebrations, the Company distributes sacrificial animals to people who live around the Companys Head Office in Jakarta and around Branch Offices. This year, the sacrifice was channeled through the KSKC Bekasi, Solo, Lampung, Cilegon and Belitung. Taking place in August 2019, the Company provides compensation for 1 (one) Limousin cattle and 5 goats.

Perayaan Idul Adha

Cleft Lip Surgery Social Service 

On September 1, 2018, the Company held a social service through its collaboration with the Vivitas Indonesia Foundation in order to provide free surgery for cleft lip and palate to help those in need and those who cannot afford the surgery in Rumah Sakit Pengharapan - Merauke, Papua. The expenses for the surgery have been largely covered by Smile Train, a non-profit organization from the USA. Donations collected are used to meet transportation and accomodation cost for patients coming from rural areas of Papua province. The event was made possible thanks to the support of several companies / parties, one of which was the Company. 

Bakti Sosial Operasi Bibir Sumbing

Construction of Livable Houses 

On November 9, 2018, the Company once again partnered with Habitat Indonesia, a non-profit institution, in building decent homes for low-income families. The donation was realized in the form of building a healthy and simple residential house in Kampung Gunung Batu - Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor Regency. Construction of a house foundation involves the participation of Companys employees from the Head Office and KSKC Bogor

Pembangunan Rumah Layak Huni

Book Donation for Reading Gardens
To support the Government program in distributing books for free to reading gardens throughout Indonesia on the 17th of each month and also supporting the Nawacita program point 8 on education, in 2018, the Company donated free non-formal books to 5 Community Reading Gardens (TBM) in Manado, Makassar and Papua. The five reading gardens receiving the book donation include: 1. TBM Sam Ratulangi, Manado 2. TBM of Sorong’s BUP Friend’s Home 3. Adinda TBM Manado 4. TBM Books Jenny, Makassar 5. HARYP Reading House (Harapan Rakyat Papua), Sorong This donation was channeled through collaboration with the TBM Forum under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and also the Indonesian Post Office Tebet branch, South Jakarta
Donasi Buku untuk Taman Bacaan

Eid Al-Adha Celebration
For the Eid al-Adha celebrations, the Company distributes sacrificial animals to people who live around the Companys head office in Jakarta and around branch offices. This year, the sacrifice was channeled through the KSKC Bangka, Bengkulu, Kalimalang, Malang and Bandung Branch Office. Taking place in August 2018, the Company provides compensation for 1 (one) cattle limousine and 5 goats

Perayaan Idul Adha

• 1439 H Ramadhan Celebration

As a manifestation of gratefulness, entering the month of Ramadan and welcoming Eid al-Fitri in 2018, the Company and employees gave donations to around 30 orphans at the Darul Rachmat Orphanage and Al Muhajirin Cibinong Foundation in the form of cash donations and gifts.

• Financial Education Through SIMOLEK OJK
The Company is committed to actively increase public knowledge of the financial and banking sector. This is in line with efforts to increase financial literacy index as outlined by the FSA through FSA Regulation No. 76/POJK.07/2016 and FSA Circular No. 30/SEOJK.07/2017 concerning the Implementation of Activities in Order to Improve Financial Literacy in the Financial Services Sector. In realizing the commitment and compliance with these regulations, the Company actively participates in literacy events held by OJK.

On April 16 - 20 2018, the Company, through the Pontianak branch office, participated in the SIMOLEK 2018 activity held by the FSA of West Kalimantan. The activity aims to improve financial literacy to consumers and / or the community in the form of procurement of literacy and financial education cars. Through the FSA car, it is expected that the community can use financial products / services, increasing the publics interest in using financial products / services.

In this event, the Company provides services and directly shares knowledge about finance, specifically related to the products and services provided by the Company. The locations chosen were Siantan (Emperor Siantan), Adisucipto (Samsat), Sungai Jawi (Mitra Mart), Komyos Sudarso (Citra Jeruju), Kubu Raya (Alfa Mart / Tunas Bangsa)

Perayaan Ramadhan 1439 H

 Financial Education in The APPI Multifinance Day

The Company through its Makassar Branch Office also participated in the 2018 Multifinance Day on October 26-28, 2018, which took place at Trans Studio Mall, Makassar. This annual event was organized by the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI) and attended by 34 companies from 181 members of APPI. The purpose of the 2018 Multifinance Day is to educate public to understand the services provided by finance companies

Edukasi Keuangan Melalui Multifinance Day APPI

• Mangrove Planting in Marunda, Cilincing Jakarta Utara

Corporate social responsibility in the field of Environment is one of the Companys commitments, although the Companys business activities are not in direct contact with the environment. In 2017, the commitment is executed with one of the Companys partners, the Foundation of Restoration Mangrove Indonesia. Activities undertaken are the planting of mangroves on the coast of Marunda, Cilicing, North Jakarta on December 8, 2017. Rationale behind the Companys decision to plant mangroves at the location was because the location has not been included in the mangrove emergency planing project conducted by the Government, while the environmental conditions have been very critical. Planting activities are carried out by the Companys employees with representatives from Branch Offices in Jakarta and Head Office. The Company hopes to create a better quality of the environment in Indonesia 

Penanaman Mangrove di Marunda, Cilincing Jakarta Utara

• Construction of Livable Houses

On November 17, 2017, the Comp0any partnered with Habitat Indonesia, a non-profit institution in providing affordable housing for low-income families. The form of donation given is the construction of a simple healthy living house in Kampung Tapos-Bojong Village Koneng, Bogor Distict. Construction of the foundation of the house involves the Companys employees from Head Office and KSKC Bogor

Pembangunan Rumah Tinggal Sehat Sederhana di Kabupaten Bogor

Financial Inclusiun 
On 26-29 October 2017, the Company through Pontianak branch office, was involved in the Financial Inclusion and Investment Festival program launched by the FSA. The event, which was held at Mega mall, aimed to vastly introduce financial products. In this event, the Company direct serviced and shared knowledge about the financial sector, particularly related to the products and services provided by financial institutions.

Kegiatan Inklusi Keuangan 1

The Company, through KSKC Bogor and Jakarta branch offices also participated in the Multifinance Day 2017 event on 28 November – 3 December 2017, which is located in the Mall Botani Square, Bogor. The annual event is organized by the Indonesian Financial Services Association (IFSA) was participated by the 29 companies out of 192 IFSA member. The aim of the Multifinance Day 2017 event was to expose the public awareness of services provided by the finance companies.

Kegiatan Inklusi Keuangan 2



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